I know that prior to Sunday, I loved and cared about our baby...but I don't think I realized just how much I loved it until I thought something might have happened. I am so thankful everything is ok and baby is healthy!
Later that afternoon, we headed to our appointment at Baby Belly to see if we could find out if Baby C was a girl or boy. That place is AMAZING. We got to watch Baby C for about 15 minutes. He/She was moving all over the place...Wiggling fingers, kicking, flipping on his/her belly. It was so much fun to watch! Baby cooperated and we now know if we are having a baby girl or a baby boy! Stay tuned for June 1st and our gender reveal!!
How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Still no weight gain, despite all the cake pops and doughnuts. The doctor says this should pick up soon though!
Stretch marks? Nope. Using this Mustela lotion that I have read rave reviews about. We'll see if it's worth it!
Sleep: Sleep is actually much better, although getting up to pee is super annoying!
Best moment this week: Finding out if we are having a son or daughter!
Miss Anything? Being able to carry heavy things. I tried to buy cat litter today, but couldn't lift the 37 pound bucket.
Food cravings: Still the same. Chocolate doughnuts, chocolate ice cream, cake pops. Lemonade too, but it gives me terrible heartburn!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not so much anymore. Still can't eat eggs or chicken.
Have you started to show yet: Yep. I have a pretty big belly now!
Gender prediction: No more predictions! Find out June 1st!
Aches & Pains: Hello, tailbone pain! Apparently sciatic nerve pain is a big pregnancy thing. Yay.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Neither. Just exhausted.
Weekly Wisdom: Don't take anything for granted. Be grateful.
Looking forward to: Our gender reveal party!
Ok, so now the big question! What do you guys think Baby Crossen is??
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