How far along? 19 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I haven't checked since last Wednesday, but I don't think I've gained anything. I started out at 146 and lost 3 pounds during the first trimester. Now I'm back up to 145.5.
Stretch marks? No, but my stomach is itching like crazy. Guess that means it's growing!
Sleep: It's really hard to get comfortable. And I have a hard time falling back to sleep if I have to get up to go to the bathroom.
Best moment this week: This is a tie. Telling everyone that Baby C is a HIM and David finally feeling him kick!
Miss Anything? Clothes that fit! I'm at a weird stage where maternity clothes are too big, but my pants are too small.
Food cravings: Cranberry & Peach juice from Whole Foods and Almond Snickers.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing new. I miss eating eggs!
Have you started to show yet: Yep! I know that it's small compared to how it will be in a few months, but it's still looking huge to me!
Gender: Boy! Now he just needs a name.
Aches & Pains: Again-tailbone pain. Planning on starting yoga next week, so hopefully that will help.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Exhausted and irritated.
Weekly Wisdom: I'm probably going to post a whole blog rant about this later, but generally-- Don't let other people bring you down. I have so many people who tell me I'm making the wrong decisions or try to talk me out of something that I want to do. Just because the way we've decided to do something is different, does not mean it's wrong!
Looking forward to: Feeling more kicks and picking out a name!
And before I forget- I have had a lot of people ask where we are registered. I'm still working on them, but we are registered at Amazon and Buy Buy Baby.
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