I went to a prenatal yoga class over the weekend. The stretches seemed to help a little, but I'm not sure if I can get into the whole yoga mindset. We'll see.
We went to our doula meeting tonight and got to meet/hire our doula. I'm so excited to be working with the Birth Haven and feel a lot better now that we have a doula.
The best part of the weekend was finally getting the nursery painted! Originally Baby's godfather was going to paint it for us, but I decided that it needed to happen right away (nesting?) so my mom came over and we busted it all out in a day. I was really nervous about the stripes, but I think it turned out really well! I also finished redoing his dresser/changing table, and I'm really happy with how it ended up!
Adding some paint and some new hardware to an ugly Craigslist find is definitely the way to go!
How far along? 23 weeks, 1 day.
Total weight gain/loss: I haven't checked this week, although I can probably assume that I've gained something because of all the mac n cheese/chili dogs/doughnuts I've been eating..
Stretch marks? Nope, just a really itchy belly.
Sleep: Sleep sucks so bad. All the pillows in the world don't seem to be helping and if I do manage to fall asleep for a bit, I'm woken up by our super loud, mouth breather cat in my face.
Best moment this week: Peeling the painter's tape off the stripes on the wall and having them look good! I might have died and punched a hole in the wall if they didn't turn out.
Miss Anything? Sleeping comfortably. Or really just sleeping at all.
Food cravings: Doughnuts and chili cheese dogs have made their comeback. I'm also loving toast with butter and sugar on it, which is really random.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really, but EVERYTHING gives me heartburn.
Have you started to show yet: Yep. I think this belly is huge, so I can only imagine how I'll feel later on.
Gender: Boy!
Aches & Pains: I mentioned all of it already- tailbone, back, and leg pain for days.
Belly Button in or out? In, but I don't think it'll stay that way for long.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Zero patience. Really cranky.
Weekly Wisdom: I'm having trouble with this one this week!
Looking forward to: Working on all the little projects I have for baby and the nursery. Burp cloths, wipes, crafts for the nursery, finishing the quilt...So much to do!
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