We worked on his nursery some more over the weekend and I'm loving how it's coming together. David hung the new ceiling fan and bookshelves (IKEA spice racks for the win!)and we got the curtains hung as well. I still need to hang the gallery wall over the dresser and paint his nightstand, but we're almost there!
We also have our maternity pictures in about 2 weeks. We're doing a sunrise session with Claire Marie Photo and I am soooo excited. Her photos are gorgeous!
Little man is still moving like crazy. Up until this past week I've only really felt him on the right side of my belly, but now he's moving all over the place. David and I watched my belly last night and the whole thing was shaking and rolling. It was crazy! He also responds to us when we poke my belly and play him music.
**Happy Birthday to my amazing Mom!!**
How far along? 26 weeks, 1 day.
Total weight gain/loss: We'll find out at our appointment today, so I'll update once I find out.
Stretch marks? Nope. Just itchy!
Sleep: Sleep is still pretty good. The chiropractor has really helped my back! Now if I could just get the cats to leave me alone. Apparently sleeping between me and David on top of my body pillow is the best thing ever to a cat.
Best moment this week: Getting more work done on the nursery. Poking my belly and watching him poke back!
Miss Anything? Being able to move the way I've always moved. I've always been a smaller person, so trying to figure out how to move around with this extra weight is hard. I have no balance either, which is why I fell down the stairs last week! No worries, baby and mama are ok. I fell on my butt, not my belly, so the only thing hurt was my ego.
Food cravings: Chewy Sprees, Fruit Snacks, Kashi cereal.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Honey and Chicken. I can kind of eat eggs again, but it's still hit or miss.
Have you started to show yet: This belly is out of control!
Gender: Boy!
Aches & Pains: The rib pain is intense, but everything else seems to be getting better. I also had my first real dance practice the other day (aside from teaching the little ones) and I was sooo sore the next day. It's hard dancing with this belly!
Belly Button in or out? In, but barely!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy until people make me cranky, which is pretty easy to do.
Weekly Wisdom: This isn't really for me, it's for all people who talk to pregnant women. We know we are fat. We know we have gained weight. We don't need you to inform us of that. We're supposed to gain weight-it's how this whole baby thing works. My sweet dance moms and my husband are the best because they are constantly telling me how cute my belly is and that I look great (thank you!!), but other people seem to think it's ok to say things like, "Are you sure there's only one in there?" "Wow, you've gotten huge!" and "When are you due? Are you sure it's October?" Not ok, people. You are not funny. I know better than to let you hurt my feelings, but I may go full on pregnant lady hulk smash on you next time because you are annoying.
Looking forward to: Maternity pictures! And our appointment today. I always feel better after hearing little man's heart beat.
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