I'm definitely feeling like I'm running out of steam at this point. I'm exhausted, uncomfortable, and pretty much over most things at this point. I am definitely ready to leave my day job and have time to focus on the things that need to be done. The nursery and his bathroom are finished except for a few finishing touches, but I still have a ton of other things that I need to take care of.
How far along? 35 weeks, 1 day.
Total weight gain/loss: I weighed 172 on Friday, so a total of 26 lbs.
Stretch marks? No new ones, but I don't see that lasting for long. This belly is out of control, I don't know how it's going to get any bigger.
Sleep: Awful. My stomach is huge and I can't get comfortable. Not to mention that every time I roll over, my stomach muscles hurt like crazy. The fact that I have to get up to pee every hour or so doesn't help, because then I can't fall back asleep. My mind is racing and I can't turn it off long enough to sleep!
Best moment this week: It's always the best feeling getting to hear that little heartbeat and learning that he's still growing and healthy! Also hearing that he's not breech made my day!
Miss Anything? Being comfortable. Sleeping. Being able to bend over without hurting.
Food cravings: Nothing really this week. I had a touch of a stomach bug yesterday and food has just been making me queasy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Again, I haven't really been able to eat. Food sounds good, but I'm only able to take a few bites before it makes me sick.
Worst moment this week: The stomach bug.
Gender: Boy!
Aches & Pains: Baby boy is rolling like crazy and I'm fairly certain he just uses my organs as punching bags. I've also been having intense side pains and the B/H contractions are still around.
Belly Button in or out? Starting to poke out a bit!
Wedding rings on or off? On, but maybe not for long. My fingers have been a little swollen this week.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody and tired.
Weekly Wisdom: Drink tons of water and don't overdo it. I was on my feet for most of Sunday and didn't drink nearly enough water. That resulted in awful back pain and swollen ankles.
Looking forward to: The ultrasound! I can't wait to see our little man.
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