This time 2 years ago, your daddy and I were headed to the hospital but at the time we didn't know that I was in labor. Once we got to the hospital we quickly realized that we wouldn't be going home alone! We were so nervous, excited, and terrified all at once. Meeting you has been the single-most life changing event of my entire life. You are just everything, Sawyer.
You are so smart and opinionated, and you are by far the funniest person I have ever met. Every day with you brings us something new. You have a pretty big temper, but you are also so incredibly sweet. Even in the moments that you are wearing me out and making me crazy, I couldn't love you more if I tried.
We had our family pictures/2 year birthday pictures last week and of course you didn't cooperate. Pretty fitting, considering that you screamed through your whole newborn photoshoot and refused to smile during your first birthday photos, as well.
Your imagination has really taken off the past few weeks. You love to cook me food in your kitchen, you love playing with your little Daniel Tiger dolls, and your train table is still one of your favorite things. You LOVE standing at the window watching for school buses and trash trucks. You're also crazy about fire trucks, bull dozers, police cars, and any other big truck. When you get excited, your eyes get really big and your voice goes deep and you'll say "FIRE TRUCK!" You love reading books, playing with stamps & ink, wrestling, Lighting McQueen and Tow-Mater, driving your daddy's car, and going to dance class. You love standing on a chair at the counter and helping me cook.
Your favorite foods are Indian food (korma and samosas are your favorite), strawberries, guacamole, cooked carrots, and yogurt with bananas and peanut butter. You love listening to Blake Shelton and Run Baby Run by Caspar Babypants. You've gotten better at sleeping, but you're still pretty bad at it. You're still nursing, and it makes my heart full and makes me a little crazy all at the same time. You love for me to sing "Making Something is One Way to Say I Love You" (from Daniel Tiger) each night when I nurse you to sleep.
Writing these updates is a little hard because I want to remember and write down every little detail about you. I want to remember how you say "Saw Penn Cross" when I ask you what your "big name" is. How you say "Fwee!" (3) when I ask you how old you'll be. I want to remember that you say, "Tanks, mama!" for any and every little thing, that you refuse to let me take your shoes off unless you do an arabesque at the same time, and that after every kiss you give, you also have to rub noses and say "Ugga Mugga" (again, from Daniel Tiger). I want to remember that when I ask you how much I love you, you hold your arms out and say, "Dis much!"
Little Man, I hope you know how much we love you. We are so lucky that we were chosen to be yours! My wishes for you are simple. I want you to be happy. I want you to know that we love you exactly as you are, no matter what. I want you to stand up for those who can't do it themselves, sit with those who are alone, and give to those who need it. And I know you will, because you are the good in this world. Happy Birthday, sweet baby. I love you so so very much.
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