We are so excited about this baby, but incredibly nervous as well. For the past 2.5 years, Sawyer has been the focus of my world. Although I know that my heart will be more than big enough for this new little one, it's still a little scary.
This pregnancy has already been so different from my first. With Sawyer, I had awful food aversions and some nausea. This time around, the food aversions were even worse and the nausea and morning sickness were out of control. I got the flu at 6 weeks and had to go to the hospital because I was so dehydrated and couldn't keep anything down. Then it was mostly downhill from there. Finding anything that I thought I could eat was so difficult. I could eat something once and try again an hour later and not be able to eat it. For awhile, I lived on sour patch kids, cheese, and pretzels. If you want to know about embarrassment, try throwing up in the seafood department at Kroger while your kid is in the cart yelling out, "You throwing up, mama!? Can I have a doughnut?"
Sawyer also decided that this is a great time to stop napping, so this exhausted mama has resorted to letting him watch Paw Patrol so I can rest on the couch for a minute. Except the last time I dozed off, I woke up and he was standing over me with his doctor's kit saying, "You ok, mama? You need a check up!"
This past week, things have definitely started getting better. I'm not as sick in the mornings, I'm actually able to get up and play with Sawyer, and I've been able to add a lot of foods back in. For some reason, Sonic chili cheese dogs are back on my must have list. I craved them with Sawyer and I can't stop eating them now. So gross.
We've told Sawyer about the baby. If you ask him what's in my belly he'll tell you, "A baby!" I know he doesn't really understand it yet, but I just know he's going to be such a great big brother. He's also decided that this baby is a boy and that his name is Twix.
We go on Tuesday for our next ultrasound and for some tests. Fingers crossed for a healthy, growing little baby! We should get the results back in a week or 2 and will know if this baby is a baby brother or baby sister!
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