Our shower is this weekend and I'm so excited! My BFF, Stef, and my mom have been working their butts off planning this shower for little man and I can't wait!
Next weekend my mom is coming over to help me paint and get the baby's bathroom in order. We're going with a dinosaur theme in there and I think it's going to be really cute!
Speaking of bathrooms-- We had to do a huge (to us) renovation on our bathroom this past week. We had a 1980's gigantic jacuzzi tub in our master bath and it decided to start leaking all over the place. We tried to get it fixed twice but were finally told that we needed to take it out. While this is something we wanted to do eventually, we didn't really want to do it right before this baby comes. Not only did we have to replace the tub, but we had to even out the floor, move plumbing, and add walls because the new tub isn't as huge as the old one. We are still waiting on the contractors to come finish the walls and close the hole in the ceiling, but hopefully by the end of the week everything will be finished!
I look gigantic in this photo! Can I blame it on the dress?
How far along? 29 weeks, 1 day.
Total weight gain/loss: I haven't weighed myself since my last appointment. I have a check up next Friday, so we'll see then.
Stretch marks? Just the random one on my leg.
Sleep: Sleep is ok until about 4am. That's when little man decides to start break dancing.
Best moment this week: Getting a ton of stuff finished in the nursery! And our maternity pictures! I can't wait to see them!
Miss Anything? Being able to teach for more than 2 hours without feeling like I'm going to die.
Food cravings: Iced oatmeal cookies, raisin bran and bananas, and peanut butter and honey sandwiches.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. Still hate chicken.
Worst moment this week: I had the worst heartburn I have ever experienced. I seriously thought I was having a heart attack. It felt like a brick was on my chest and couldn't breathe. Give me all the TUMS!
Gender: Boy!
Aches & Pains: Restless arms and legs. Leg cramps and calf spasms.
Belly Button in or out? It hasn't popped out yet, but it's mostly gone.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm happy until people do things to make me angry. lol
Weekly Wisdom: You're never going to make everyone happy. I've realized that my number one priority is to do the best I possibly can for this little boy. No one can make those decisions except for me and David and if people don't like what we've decided, then it's their loss. Not mine. This pregnancy is passing by too fast to worry about other people and their drama!
Looking forward to: Our baby shower!
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