The nursery is almost finished. The rocker that my mom and sister got us is supposed to come in tomorrow and we're making a Labor Day trip to IKEA to get a bookcase. Then it's just putting everything away. My mom and I are going to knock out the bathroom this weekend and I can't wait! David and I bought the crib mattress and some bedding, the Boppy, and some other odds and ends that we need the weekend. I'll feel much better once I have everything that he needs. I think it's time to start making lists again!
There are still a ton of things to do around the rest of the house, but hopefully we will cross them off the list soon.
We had our baby shower this past weekend. My mom and Stefanie (my bff of 22 years!) hosted it. It was a Parisian brunch theme. We had crepes, cream puffs, eclairs, quiche, and all kinds of other goodies to eat. I had a great time and baby Crossen has lots of new clothes, books, and blankets! I can't wait to wrap him up and read to him!
We had a meeting with our doula tonight at the Birth Haven. It was nice to talk to her and other expectant mamas and to get some advice. I guess it's coming down to the wire and it's time to start thinking about actually having this baby. It's terrifying because you have no idea what to expect. I have a birth plan, but I'm also going into it with an open mind. I know that things happen and I have to be able to go with it. The goal is a healthy baby and mama, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that happens. I'm planning on having my mom, Kendra, David, and our doula in the room and that puts me at ease a bit. I think if you surround yourself with people you're comfortable with that will make it much easier.
How far along? 30 weeks, 1 day.
Total weight gain/loss: I'll find out Friday.
Stretch marks? 2 on my legs. :(
Sleep: Hit or miss. Some nights I toss and turn all night and get no sleep. Other nights I'm so exhausted I don't even remember falling asleep.
Best moment this week: Our baby shower!
Miss Anything? Being comfortable. Bending over to pick things up. Breathing.
Food cravings: Iced oatmeal cookies and m&m blasts from Sonic.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I loved peanut butter sandwiches last week and now they are disgusting.
Worst moment this week: Dealing with people who don't understand the decisions we're making. I also had a little breakdown because I had a moment when I felt like we weren't going to have everything we need or have the house ready in time.
Gender: Boy!
Aches & Pains: Restless arms and legs. Leg cramps and calf spasms.
Belly Button in or out? It hasn't popped out yet, but it's mostly gone.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm becoming more emotional and teary lately. I haven't really had a crying meltdown this whole pregnancy, but I've had 2 this past week.
Weekly Wisdom: Ask questions! I always make a list to take to my appointments.
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery and bathroom. Hopefully seeing our maternity pictures soon!
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