Where oh where has the time gone, little man? It does not feel like you should be one already. This past year has been such a whirlwind. The mom guilt is real most days. Your brother had an update every month and I have only managed to do one for you so far. I hope you know that it doesn't mean we love you any less. Quite the opposite! It's just been a year of learning and balancing- learning who you are and how to balance life with two kids has been so hard. But I hope we are getting the hang of it!
You are just everything, Maddox. You are such a happy, easygoing guy. You have the best smile and it's so easy to get them out of you! You scrunch your nose and eyes when you smile and you have 8 of the cutest little teeth I've ever seen that make it even better. While you are usually a little ham and so happy, you are not afraid to make your opinions known! And you do it loudly!
I know that I shouldn't compare you to your brother, because you are each your own person. But I find myself doing it from time to time. Sawyer was a very high needs baby, but you've always been pretty chill. You are a pretty great napper, but you are an awful sleeper at night. Some nights you are up every hour. It's exhausting, but I know you'll get the hang of it eventually. Sawyer had about 8 words by his first birthday, and while you babble all the time, you don't really have any words. You will say "mama" sometimes and you have said "more" once or twice, but other than that you're not really talking. Sawyer never really got into things that he shouldn't, and you are into EVERYTHING. You open drawers, crawl under tables, and no cord is safe around you.
You love eating and I haven't found a single thing that you won't eat. Blueberries are probably your favorite thing. You are so incredibly impatient when I'm trying to make your food. You will sit on the kitchen floor and scream at me until it's ready. You are also still nursing, which I'm grateful for. We had a scare when you were 6 months old and my milk went away. I kept at it and it came back and I'm so thankful. You aren't as into it right now though. During the day you don't want to nurse much, but then at night you want to nurse all night long. It's exhausting, but we'll keep on until you don't want to anymore.
You love baths and water in general. You will dive for the pool or bathtub as soon as you see them and you love splashing. You love standing on the back of the couch and watching the trash truck go by. You love when I sing the ABCs and it will usually calm you down. You also love "Up Down" by Morgan Wallen, which is only slightly embarrassing. You love playing on the back porch and will sit at the back door and scream until I open it and let you out. You love your brother, and when he's not here you are constantly looking for him. You love climbing on me. If I lie down on the floor you will come over and crawl and climb and laugh your head off. You love looking in mirrors, playing with anything that makes noise, and have recently started loving touch and feel books. You love going for rides in your push car and you love pretending to drive my car. You stand in the seat and turn the steering wheel and you think it's the best thing ever.
You are so affectionate. You love to snuggle and you give the best hugs. You also give these big open mouth kisses and you'll say, "MMMM-ah!" which is the cutest thing ever.
You can crawl, clap, high five, pull up to stand, dance when you hear music, and just the past few days you've started letting go and standing on your own. I'll be honest, I'm not sure if I'm ready for you to walk!
Life is just so much fun with you in it, little man. It's hectic and exhausting and sometimes I don't know which way is up, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. You are the most perfect addition to our family and we love you to pieces. I can't wait to see what the next year brings. Happy, happy birthday sweet baby.
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