Happy Second Birthday, Little Man! How oh how are you two? These past two years have flown by. I'm not going to lie, I was a little sad when I came to this blog and saw that I haven't updated it since your first birthday post. I feel like most days we are just barely hanging on and though I had good intentions, I just never had the chance to sit down and write. I hope you know that that doesn't mean we love you any less.
I feel like you were just born yesterday, but at the same time, it feels like you've always been a part of our family. You are the sweetest little thing, but you are definitely not afraid to make your wants and feelings known. You love your big brother SO much and if he is doing or saying something, then more than likely, you're doing and saying it, too.
You are a terrible sleeper, just like your brother. Some nights you are up every hour. It's exhausting, but I know you'll figure it out eventually.
You are hilarious and you have the best little smile. Your language has really exploded lately and you will say anything. You've recently learned to say "Sawyer" and you will walk around calling for him. It may be one of the cutest things I've ever heard. You call strawberries "wah-gees" and I don't have the heart to correct you. You have a stuffed fox that you named Kitty and you carry him everywhere with you.
You love to read books and your current favorites are: Fire Engine Man, Train Man, My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs, and these little books we have about colors. We read them over and over and you can recite them along with us. I love catching you when you're reading out loud to yourself. You also love music. I can play a song for you once or twice, and you can almost instantly hum the melody. You love to dance too, so I'm hoping I can convince you to start dance classes in January.
You like to play with paints and ink and stamps, bubbles, you love trains and trucks like your brother, and you love to look for the trash truck out the window.
Your imagination has taken off lately and you will "cook" food and coffee for me in your kitchen. You love to swing, take baths, and give hugs.
I feel like there is so much I want to say about you, but it's so hard to put you into words. You are just so uniquely you, Maddy Man. Full of smiles and love and a temper to match. We love you so, so much little man and we are so happy you're ours!
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